For the Real Body Builders


Art direction for Ritual’s Essential Prenatal campaign.

Getting pregnant is not just "doing it." Turns out, it’s a marathon — and if going into labor is the big Game Day we’re all running towards, what about the months (or years) of training that people trying to conceive go through to get to the finish line?

After consulting with hundreds of Ritual customers actively trying to conceive and finding only 4% of them felt seen and heard by brands in this trying lifestage, Ritual wanted to be the first Prenatal brand to show pregnancy as the physically & emotionally demanding sport it really is.

With 3 different personas in 3 different stages of their TTC journey, we created a jam-packed 30 seconds featuring the world's most powerful athletes — those trying to conceive. 

60 Second: Director’s Cut

30 Second: Ad (For streaming)

Brand: Ritual
VP Creative: Fiel Valdez
Creative Direction: Tricia Desjardins + Jane Helpern
Art Direction: Kasha Killingsworth
Copywriting: Jane Helpern + Michael Arrietta
Sr Creative Project Mgr: Kelley King
Production Company: Obsidian
Executive Producer: Anna Heinrich
Head of Production: John Curtis
Director/DP: Jackie Bao
Producer: Amanda Mortimer
Production Manager: Jai Franklin Sarki
1st Asst Director: Lane Stroud

DoP (2nd Unit): Gemma-Doll-Grossman
1st AC: Ali Arminio
2nd AC: Francesca DiMarzio
Gaffer: Kevin Kim
BBE: Rodolfo Martinez
Electrician: Paul Kane, Mauricio Aguiilar
Key Grip: Sean Hunt
BBG: Henry Martinez
Grip: Steven Miller

Production Designer: Hanrui Wang
Set Dresser: Alexander Seaquist
Scenic: Jon Michael
Shopper: Zelia Peng
Art PA: Max Normand
Art PA: Yun Gu

Key Stylist: Angelina Vitto
Stylist Assist: Jemma Fong
Key HMU: Ali Bayless
HMU Assist: Ashley Stansbury

Starring: Kenya Halley, Jessica Dube, Joohee Kim Halstead, Shanti Campbell
Editor: Sidney Williams
Edit House: Cabin Edit
Cabin Producer: Katy Lester

Editor DC: Dre Jones
Edit House: Sunset Edit

Colorist: Cameron Marygold
Color House: Ethos Studio
Color Producers: Natasha Sattler, Brayden Deskins
Sound Design / Mix: Christian Stropko
Score / Music Composition: Ryan Garrison

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